Thursday, April 7, 2011

"The Stars On Facebook" - The Altoids Curiously Strong Awards

"The Stars On Facebook" - The Altoids Curiously Strong Awards

It's kinda funny how much our generation shares information. We post statuses about what we're doing, where we are, and what we're thinking. The internet makes it possible for us to be connected all the time. The internet also makes it possible for everyone to know about theory. It's getting harder and harder for people to hide things now that everyone has portable cameras and audio recorders that can upload information to the internet for billions to see.

Mormon, an ancient prophet, was right when he said, "all things which are hid must be revealed upon the house-tops--" (Mormon 5:8). While unclear as to what he meant specifically, Wikileaks, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media or news sites only help to prove his point.

Just to be clear, the important thing about a prophet isn't so much an ability to foresee the future. The important thing about prophets, in my mind, is their ability to teach us about Jesus so we can avoid sin.

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