Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cookie Cutters

Yesterday, we finally decided it was time for my son to get a professional haircut.

So we packed him and his sister into the car and drove beyond far Egypt to a lil town called Lehi. Yes, my friends, somewhere nestled deep within the shadows of the Rocky Mountains, there's a little town called Lehi. It's big enough to have El Pollo Loco, so that's really all I need to know about the area. Yum!

Anyway, we went to a barbershop that opened fairly recently called Cookie Cutters.

It's a fun (not to mention colorful) place that's pimped out to cater specifically to children. (Great idea considering the number of chillun we have here in ol' Zootah) They have a small playground in the waiting area and kids can watch their favorite cartoons or play video games while sitting atop a vehicle (motorcycle, car, airplane, etc) of their choice during the haircut. They even give you a balloon when it's all over. It's a little bit on the pricier side, but my son loved the I'm willing to cough up a few bucks to see him smile and hear him laugh.

UPDATE: We found a video! Hooray!

You can watch a Cookie Cutters commercial here. It's kinda lame that they disabled embedding. They probably haven't heard of using the internet as a means of advertising before. Hopefully they'll catch on soon. In the meantime, you can get a Talulah discount ($2) for printing out and redeeming a coupon.

Although part of me is sad to see my son growing so quickly and getting his first professional haircut, the whole traumatic experience reminds me of this...

"But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows" (Luke 12:7).

As much as I love my son, I'm thankful that he has a Heavenly Father who loves him even more. And I'm thankful that our Heavenly Father loves us all so much that He sent His Son.

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